The Extended Transportation-Imagery Model: A Meta-Analysis of the Antecedents and Consequences of Consumers’ Narrative Transportation
Authors: Tom van Laer, Ko de Ruyter, Luca Visconti, and Martin Wetzels Publisher: The University of Chicago Press Cited as: van Laer, [...]
Explaining variation in conspicuous luxury consumption: An individual differences perspective
Authors: Minas Kastanakis and George Balabanis Cited as: KASTANAKIS M., BALABANIS G., (2014), "Explaining variation in conspicuous luxury consumption: An individual [...]
Socio-Cognitive Determinants of Consumer’s Support for the Fair Trade Movement
Authors: Andreas Chatzidakis, Minas Kastanakis, and Anastasia Stathopoulou Cited as: Chatzidakis A., Kastanakis M., Stathopoulou A., (2015), "Socio-Cognitive Determinants of Consumer's [...]
The effect of culture on perception and cognition : A conceptual framework
Author: Minas Kastanakis and Benjamin G. Voyer Publisher: Elsevier Cited as: Kastanakis M., Voyer B., (2014), "The effect of culture on perception and [...]
Two minds, three ways: dual system and dual process models in consumer psychology
Authors: Alain Samson and Benjamin G. Voyer Publisher: Springer Cited as: Samson, A. and Voyer B.G. (2012). Two minds, three ways: dual [...]
Between the mass and the class: Antecedents of the “bandwagon” luxury consumption behavior
Authors: Minas N. Kastanakis and George Balabanis Publisher: Science Direct Cited as: Kastanakis, M.N. and Balabanis, G. (2012). Between the mass [...]
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