Live the cross-cultural experience

Our MBA in International Management provides young professionals with the business skills and mindset for a successful international career.

Duration of the Programme

10-month intensive MBA programme with a strong cross cultural approach

2 Countries of Your Choice

Study each semester in a different ESCP Business School inner city campus

2 Company Consultancy Projects over 2 Countries

Consult for companies on real projects while expanding your international work experience

24 Electives Offered over 7 Countries

Choose to specialise or diversify your MBA experience while experiencing up to 4 more countries

60,000 Alumni from 150 Countries

Join a diverse professional alumni network to enhance your future international career.


The tuition fees for the academic year 2019/2020 are set at €37,500. (all students, EU and nonEU). Travel and accommodation costs are not covered by the fees.

There is an application fee of €180 for all applicants. Please note that the application fee is non-refundable.

155 Research Active Professors from over 30 Nationalities

A hands-on learning experience from our diverse full-time, affiliate and guest professors.

Associate Dean


Associate Professor of Management.
MBA in International Management.

Research areas: Her areas of interest focus on the psychosociological processes of negotiation, on the decision-making process and on the link between social identity, conflict resolution and negotiation.

As part of her research activities, she is a member of the International Association for Conflict Management (IACM). value co-creation, service ecosystem transformation,  inter-organisational capabilities and cognitive biases.

1 Provide you with the business skills and mindset for a successful international career.

2 Cover all the functional areas of management and provide a multicultural hands-on experience.

3 Provides you with a wealth of different perspectives, teaching methods, and school of thoughts.

4 Acquire critical thinking and the ability to reinvent and imagine new ways of doing business.

5 Change or enhance your career.

The programme covers all the functional areas of management and provides a multicultural hands-on experience.

Active participation, including the sharing of ideas and experience are fundamental learning methods. Beyond this, methods include: lectures, seminars, tutorials, case studies, workshops, projects, presentations, computer-based activities, reading and private study, group work and group assignments.

A four to six month-internship option (starting after your course requirements are completed) is available to students looking to change their career path and get knowledge in a new area increasing their employability across different sectors.

The ESCP Business School MBA programme is principally taught by our permanent faculty from more than 20 countries. In addition, affiliate professors and business professionals complete this cutting-edge, diverse, pedagogical team.

The MBA in International Management’s curriculum awards a total of 90 ECTS credits.

10-month, Full-time MBA

10 months of intensive courses in management (around 500 teaching hours). The courses are taught from September to June over 2 campuses of your choice, followed by 4 electives of an available 23 over 7 countries.

All courses are taught in English.


London – Paris – Turin

  • Induction Seminar:
    Problem Solving and Decision Making in Multicultural Teams
  • Big Data and Tech Trends
  • Principles of Finance
  • Financial Accounting and International Reporting
  • International Economics for Managers
  • Company Consultancy Project 1
  • Quantitative Methods for Business
  • Operations and Supply Chain Management
  • Management Skills for International Business
  • International Marketing Decisions
  • International Business Strategy
  • Optional Course:
    Fundamentals of Mathematics
    Computer Skills


Berlin – London – Madrid – Paris – Warsaw

  • Team Building Seminar:
    Business Simulation
  • Marketing and Business Analytics
  • Ethics and CSR
  • Management Accounting and Control
  • Corporate Finance
  • Leading Teams and Organisations
  • Entrepreneurship, Creativity and Innovation
  • Company Consultancy Project 2
  • Closing Seminar
  • Optional Course: Languages


In semester 2: 4 electives of your choice from a portfolio of 24 courses

Electives take place in semester 2. Dedicated periods are blocked on all campuses enabling participants to follow four elective courses of interest independently of their campus choice.


  • Financial Reporting for International Capital Markets
  • Global Knowledge Management
  • International Human Resource Management
  • Portfolio Management


  • Creativity Marketing
  • Sourcing and Supply Chain Management
  • Energy Risk Management
  • Mergers and Acquisitions


  • Social Media and Digital Marketing
  • A Stakeholder Approach: Happiness, Wellbeing, and Management
  • Family Business Management
  • Total Leadership
  • Negotiation Dynamics


  • Innovation 2.0 and Business Law for Managers
  • Customer Value Management
  • Organisational Transformation
  • Social Entrepreneurship
  • Negotiation Dynamics


  • Financial Modelling
  • International Capital Markets and Trading Techniques
  • International Luxury Management
  • International Food & Beverage Management


  • Entrepreneurial Marketing
  • Strategic Digital Marketing


  • Doing Business in the Middle East


Experiential learning

The Company Consultancy Projects are a key element of the programme that enables students to get to know a specific sector or function while consulting with 2 companies on real projects, within 2 countries.

You will accomplish two Company Consultancy Projects during the MBA in International Management, which allow you to put into practice the concepts acquired in the classroom. The projects provide students with collaborative and intercultural work experience on a case provided by a company. In groups of 5-6, students are expected to perform an in-depth analysis and make recommendations for actions that can realistically be implemented by the company.

You will learn how to approach an issue with a critical mindset and how to react swiftly in unexpected situations with a creative and open-minded attitude. Throughout the project, tutoring is provided by an ESCP Business School professor and/or an experienced consultant.
Within the framework of the Company Consultancy Projects, dedicated workshops are carried out in:

  • Consulting skills
  • Research strategy, tools and data sources
  • Survey and interview techniques
  • Presentation skills


Bring your leadership presence to the next level.

Throughout the programme, you will be provided the opportunity to boost your leadership potential, to gain insights in some selective key managerial competencies, and enhance your professional effectiveness. All the following topics fit together and aim to bring your leadership presence to the next level.

Effective Communication

  • Listen actively
  • Use your mind, heart and hand: Develop cultural and and emotional intelligence in communicating with varied audiences
  • Be present and find your own voice


  • Master the key characteristics of true leadership: The art of reconciliation differences, be an emotionally intelligent leader, foster multicultural teams, build a vision and strategic goals
  • Building an environment where people can grow, self-direct, and be fulfilled
  • Lead change


  • Deal with different types of negotiation in multicultural environments
  • Prepare your negotiations (build coalitions, relationships) and manage your information effectively
  • Negotiate smartly

Personal Branding

  • Learn how to define your identity and uniqueness
  • Develop a coherent professional image
  • Master the tools (CV, social media, video shooting, dress codes, etc.)


  • Discover your cultural, professional, and personal values
  • Understand the importance of values in decision making (for ex. when selecting a type of job or a type of organisation)

Marketing as a discipline is undergoing a drastic evolution, some would say that it is having to reinvent itself. Many contextual factors and some internal factors have precipitated this evolution. Technological progress has given consumers, and more generally customers, easier access to information for which they used to rely largely on marketers. Customers themselves have developed greater scepticism and claim greater control. Greater levels of competition have led to increased commoditization of products and services. The boundaries between products and services are blurring as more goods have become virtual and more products have intangible, service-like features.

At the same time, in many firms, marketing departments have lost their influence and are struggling to justify the cost of their activities in terms of quantifiable returns.

New marketing channels such as social media are challenging marketers to come up with new ways of thinking about their activities. Creativity has long been thought to be a valuable management resource, but is often thought to be riskier and less credible than hard core analysis. The changing landscape described above and more rigorous approaches to creativity make it a very plausible competence for marketers to explore and harness.

This module will investigate uses of creativity in a range of marketing domains and show that its use is associated with best practices in many areas. It is the foundation of a marketing practice that begins to address the crucial issues faced by marketers and to strengthen the case for marketing as a key management function.



Professor in the Department of Marketing.
Director of the Creativity Marketing Centre.
Doctoral degree PhD, Linguistics University College London, U. of London.

Research areas: marketing management and consumer behaviour, relationships between stakeholders in organisations, change management and digitalisation, intercultural communication.

1) Upon successfully completing the course, you should have a sound knowledge of key marketing concepts and frameworks and some best practice cases in creativity marketing.

2) Upon successfully completing the course, you should be able to analyze challenges faced by marketers, define these problems, develop possible creative solutions and understand how to evaluate them.

This Module/course participates in the achievement of the following programme objectives

Learning goal (LG) Learning objective (LO)
LG1 : To possess advanced knowledge in international management

LG2: To possess the analytical skills solving any business issue taking into account different perspectives

LG3: To have an in-depth understanding of the implications of different leadership approaches on stakeholders

LO1: Evaluate challenges faced by organisations which operate in different international environments

LO3: Develop solutions to a business problem that requires a critical reflection on the needs of different stakeholders

LO4: Select relevant data and information to support effective decision-making

LO6: Reflect on their ability to lead others in an engaging way

Delivery modes

100% face to face

Teaching methods

Lectures, Case studies and Projects

Session 1

“Marketing as Strategy” (HBR article)
“What Business Are You In?” (HBR article)

Session 2

“A Giant Among Women” (HBS case)

Session 3

Droga5: Launching Jay-Z’s Decoded” (HBS case)

Session 4 Strategy Powered by Culture and People” (INSEAD case)

Workshop on brands with creative marketing strategies

The MBA in International Management proposes a career development programme, the International Leadership Advancement Programme (I-LEAP) which purpose is to assist you in finding your ideal job after graduation.

I-LEAP is developed throughout the academic year in complement to the professional competencies and managerial skills gained in classes. This programme is organised around 3 core topics for professional advancement:

  • Professional Self-Knowledge
  • Personal Career Growth
  • Career Goal Setting

I-LEAP is constructed with the support and resources of ESCP Business School Alumni Association, the expertise of ESCP Business School Careers Service located on each of the six campuses, along with certified professional coaches. Its objective is to support you in identifying your professional objectives, confirming your career prospects while providing you with the advice, data and tools necessary for their pursuit. The programme includes:

  • 3-day professional orientation seminar: Discover a set of personalised career tools to manage your career planning
  • Alumni-Mentor programme: choose an Alumni to be your mentor and connection to the professional world
  • Individual Professional Coaching

Through the combination of ESCP Business School Corporate Relations Service, your membership to the Alumni Association and a variety of specialised and multi sector job fairs in all campuses, you will gain access to 50,000 job opportunities and 20,000 internship offers, as well as gaining a connection to more than 60,000 active alumni in 150 countries.

Careers Service

The ESCP Business School Careers Service helps you to identify your professional objectives to ensure your career prospects.

Alumni Network

ESCP Business School Alumni is an international and rich network of 60,000 members. Worldwide, ESCP Business School Alumni supports its members by boosting their career, developing their network and promoting the ESCP Business School brand.

Companies hiring

Accenture – Acciona – Accor – Aguirre-Newman Airbus – Alixpartners – Altran – Amadeus – Amazon Angelo Vasino Apple – Arietti & Partners – Ariston Thermo Group – AT Kearney – Audi – AXA – Axel Springer – Bain & Company – Banca Sella – Banco Santander – Barceló – Bayer (Business Consulting) BBVA – BearingPoint – Beiersdorf AG – Bertelsmann Bloomberg – BMW – BNP Paribas – Bombardier Transportation – Boston Consulting Group – Capco – Carrefour – CHANEL CNC Communications Network Consulting – Coca-Cola – Colgate – Comau Commerzbank – Costa Crociere – Deloitte – DHL Dylog Italia – E.ON – Eaton Corporation – El Corte Inglés – Elica – EY – FCA Italy – Ferrero – Foodora Gamesa – Gas Natural Fenosa – General Electric Google – Gruppo Comifar – Henkel – Hitfox – Houlihan Lockey – HSBC – IATA – Iberdrola – IKEA Inaer Aviation – Inditex – Indra – Interserve Construction & Services – Intesa Sanpaolo – INVERTO AG – Istarter Johnson & Johnson – Kellogg’s – KPMG – L’Oréal Lavazza – Lazard – Luxottica – LVMH – McKinsey & Company – Mediobanca – Meliá METRO AG – Michelin – Microsoft – Miroglio – Mondelēz – Natixis Nestlé – NH Hotels – Nomura – Novartis – Oliver Wyman Oracle – Orange – Otis – Pernod Ricard Pfizer – Pricewaterhousecoopers PwC – Procter & Gamble – ProSieben – PSA – Puig Reale – Renault Reply – Repsol – Ricoh – Rocket Internet – Roland Berger – Royal Bank of Scotland – SAP – Seat Self Italia Shell – Simon-Kucher & Partners – Sixt Smart Global Trading – SMC – Société Générale Sony – Sopra Steria Consulting Telefónica – Thales Tikehau Investment Management – Total – TRUMPF Uber – Ubisoft – UBS – Unibail-Rodamco UniCredit Unilever – Uniqlo – Valeo – Vision Italia – Vodafone – Whirlpool – Xing – Zalando

Entry requirements

  • A previous Bachelor or Master degree, Maîtrise, Licenciatura, Laurea Magistrale or equivalent in any discipline
  • A minimum of 3 years’ work experience
    Applicants with less experience who demonstrate exceptional maturity and outstanding leadership through their professional and personal experiences will also be considered.
  • Proficiency in English

Do not hesitate to send your CV to one of our admissions coordinators to check your eligibility for the MBA in International Management.


  • The fees for the academic year 2019/2020 are set at €37,500.
  • There is an application fee of €180 payable to ESCP Business School. Please note that the application fee is non-refundable.
  • Applicants who are offered a place must confirm their acceptance and pay a non-refundable deposit of €5,000 for tuition fees.

Funding and Scholarships

We have a range of financing options, as well as scholarships for eligible candidates, which can help towards funding the programme. All ESCP Business School scholarships and funding options are not accumulative.

ESCP Business School Grants

ESCP Business School Grants are awarded at the end of each admission session.
Contact one of our admissions coordinators for any questions you may have about scholarships.

  • Diversity and Merit grants

    Up to €7,500
    These grants are based on the candidate’s profile: educational background, work experience, personality and unique profile (specific geographical zones, life experience, etc.) as well as academic results.

  • Excellence grant

    Up to €8,500
    This grant is based on the candidate’s application results.

ESCP Business School Scholarships

ESCP Business School Scholarships are available to admitted candidates of the MBA in International Management. These scholarships are judged by a panel including the MBA Programme Director, Associate Dean and a professional from the industry.

Women in Leadership Scholarship
NGO / Non-profit Scholarship
Entrepreneurial Scholarship

For more information about funding and scholarship options, please click here.

  • Average age: 30
  • Average professional experience: 6 years
  • 26 nationalities
  • Class size: 89 students (44% Women – 56% Men)

Challenge yourself

You will study, learn, and challenge yourself with 140 faculty among the best in their respective fields. You will acquire critical thinking and the ability to reinvent and imagine new ways of doing business. As much as student body is diverse, so is the Faculty.

Choosing an MBA is to start or enhance your career. At ESCP Business School, you will benefit from a range of career supporting activities. You will be able to select among the 20,000 annual jobs and internships offers. Or like 10% of our students you may create or join a startup.

“I signed up to the MBA in International Management to do something that was fulfilling and worthwhile. I achieved this directly through its courses, competitions, knowledge sessions, and the plethora of projects that we were assigned. However, ultimately what I treasured most were the things I learned indirectly through the interactions that I had with the people I have met throughout this whole journey. I treasure the friends I have made, the experiences they have shared with me, those that we have shared together, and lastly those we are sharing right now as we graduate. That’s it in a nutshell, my MBA in International Management at ESCP Business School.”



Class of 2018

Several key points attracted me when I discovered the MBA in International Management at ESCP Business School. First, it is a full time MBA in two different countries, with a strong multicultural approach. Secondly, becoming a member of the ESCP Business School network is a great asset when you want to work internationally. Lastly, having the opportunity to merge both in class courses and professional experience with Company Consultancy Projects provide us a well tailored balance that I believe will be well recognised in the job market.”

Alexis PICOT


Class of 2019



Please visit the link below and apply to ESCP Business School’s MBA programme now.

apply now


London Campus Admissions

Tel: +44 (0)20 7443 8825


Do you want to know more about what creativity can add to marketing?

The creativity marketing elective provides you with a sound knowledge of key marketing concepts and some best practice cases in creativity marketing.

    * I authorise the CMC and ESCP Business School to use my personal data for marketing purposes related to their activities and services, in particular as it concerns educational opportunities and content articles in line with my interest.


    Do you want to keep abreast on the latest on creativity, marketing, creativity and marketing, or creativity marketing? By joining us, you will receive notifications about our latest articles, cutting edge research, and exclusive invites to our events. Registration is free of charge and we will not share your address with anyone else or bombard you with spam.

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