Catoólica MOVE: The Route to Become Auto- Sustainable

About Católica MOVE
Entrepreneurship is the most efficient tool to fight poverty.
This is the motto of Católica MOVE, an NGO created by Católica Lisbon students in 2009. They promote the growth of the people and communities they work with: they help regular people by teaching them entrepreneurship and managerial concepts and by giving them access to micro credit. Their challenge is to transform lives by creating sustainable opportunities with those who need the most and help them achieve their full potential.
About the Consultancy Project
This project explores the opportunities for MOVE to boost its financial growth and support third world entrepreneurial communities.
Key objectives:
- Establish a robust crowd loaning proposal
- Define a marketing strategy that enables a successful promotion of a new platform, powered by social media channels and strong partnerships with key organisations
- Increase the brand awareness of MOVE as the new platform that can change the world by reducing poverty providing microcredits to entrepreneurs in Portugal, Sao Tome, Mozambique and Timor – Leste
Claire Ortu
Lavinia Von Spreti
Manuel Rito
Sofia Cruz
Pragati Basu