Marketing of Luxury Industries Symposium

Start date : 15 September 2017
End date : 16 September 2017
Start time : 08:00 pm
End time : 05:00 pm
Location : ESCP Business School London Campus
Marketing of Luxury Industries Symposium
Luxury Industries Marketing: Value Creation in the Digital Age
The ESCP Business School London campus hosted this symposium on September 15-16th. It was a ‘Special Interest’ event associated with the annual International Marketing Trends Conference which was originated by the Paris campus & Ca Foscari University, Venice. An audience of around 50 international marketing academics drawn from Europe, Asia, Africa & the Americas had access to 38 presentations of papers and a panel of corporate speakers from Burberry, Lookadok, FFC (Prof. Pascal Morand) and Cartier, chaired by Prof. Chris Halliburton.
The full 2 day conference was open to those delegates who have already registered through the IMT Conference registration process, for more information please visit:
The plenary Round Table session with invited corporate speakers on Friday 15th, 10.30-13.00 was open free to all alumni, and academic & corporate partners.
08:00-09:00: Registration and welcome of participants
ESCP Business School – 527 Finchley Road – London NW3 7BG – UK
09:00-09:15: Opening speech
Room Fortnum and Mason
On behalf of ESCP Business School . Pr. Prof. Simon MERCADO -Director ESCP Business School London Campus, UK
On Behalf of the Scientific Committee . Pr. Jean-Claude ANDREANI, ESCP Business School Paris Campus, France
On behalf of SIM – SOCIETÀ ITALIANA MARKETING . Pr. Alberto MATIACCI, Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy
On behalf of the Organizing Committee . Dr. Françoise CONCHON, INSEMMA MARKET RESEARCH, France / President INTERNATIONAL MARKETING TRENDS CONFERENCE
09:15-10:30: Plenary session – Academic presentations
Room Fortnum and Mason
Chair: Pr. Jean-François LEMOINE, Université Paris I – Sorbonne, France
LINDENBECK B., HUNDT M., Fern Universität in Hagen, Germany
Is Online Always Better? Critical Considerations for Using Online Flagship Stores for Designer Clothing
MEKONNEN A., LARNER L., GSM London, United Kingdom
The Impact of digital marketing on luxury fashion brands
10:30-11:00: Coffee Break
Room Burlington Arcade
11:00-13:00: Plenary session – Round table
“The Impact of digital tools on the Marketing of Luxury Industries”
Room Fortnum and Mason
Chair: Pr. Chris HALLIBURTON, ESCP Business School London Campus, UK
Marjorie CONDORIS, Transformation Lead BURBERRY
Chloé JAY, International Director Luxury Jewels CARTIER
Pr. Pascal MORAND, ESCP Business School/ Executive Director Fédération Française de la Couture, du Prêt-à-Porter des Couturiers et des Créateurs de Mode
13:00-14:00: Lunch break
Room Burlington Arcade
14:00-16:00: Academic research sessions
Room Fortnum and Mason
Paper presentations “Luxury industries : The power of digital tools”
Chair: Pr. Shynya NAGASAWA, Waseda University, Japan
Pr. 2
CASTELLANO S., PSB Paris School of Business, KHELLADI S., ICN Business School, CHARLEMAGNE J., Marussia Beverages BV, France
The influence of virtual agents on online wine purchasing behavior.
HIDALGO-BAZ M., Universidad de Salamanca, Spain
Perceptions of luxury fashion brands, by differential effects of pure-plays as digital distributors.
KAUR R., Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology, KAUR P., Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College, SINGH G., Altruist Technologies Private Limited, India
Leading edge flow of content marketing.
OMARLI S., Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary
Effects of electronic marketing on purchasing behaviors of consumers, application on students of university in Turkey.
Room Selfridges
Academic research sessions – Paper presentations “Retail”
Chair: Pr. Béatrice CANEL-DEPITRE, Université Le Havre, France
ARRIGO E., Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Italy
Brick-and-Mortar retail stores as sustainability communication channels for luxury fashion brands.
Positioning of clothing brands by the use of the olfactive marketing, in female students of Mexico City.
PELLICELLI A. C., Università degli Studi di Torino, PROCACCI S., Suzuki Italia SpA, Italy
The meeting between salesman and customer in luxury goods: a new view. A best practice in nautical sector.
SCHARWEY A., FASSNACHT M., WHU-Otto Beisheim School of Management, Germany
Social distance in Customer-Service employee encounters: a luxury vs. non-luxury comparison
17:00-18:30: Private tour of the Museum
20:00-22:30: Gala dinner
Please ask for your nominative invitation at reception desk
09:00-10:30: Academic research sessions – Paper presentations
Room Fortnum and Mason
Academic research sessions – Paper presentations “Consumer behavior” including 10:30-:11:00: Coffee break in Room Burlington Arcade
Chair: Pr. Jean-Louis MOULINS, Université Aix-Marseille, France
CONTI E., Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo, Italy
Domanda di esperienze esclusive e ruolo del lusso e del collezionismo contemporaneo.
DE VASSOIGNE T., DELANNOY A., HELENE L., Ecole de Management de Normandie – Laboratoire Métis, France
The perception of social identity among secondary school groups : the case of the make-up market.
FADNAVIS M., Institute of Management Technology, India
Decoding buying and consumption behavior of female luxury customers from Central India.
GARCIA-ARRIZABALAGA I., Universidad de Deusto, Spain, PIPOLI DE AZAMBUJA G., Universidad del Pacifico, Peru
Variables that affect the purchase intention of Peruvian lucuma.
GUIDO G., Università del Salento, DE MATTEIS C., Università del Salento, PINO G., Università del Salento, AMATULLI C., Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro, Italy
Internalised and externalised luxury consumption: Scale development and correlations with personality traits and negative values.
KLEMM A., ZIESEMER F., PEYER M., Universität Potsdam, Germany
Sharing in the private sphere: People’s means-end chains behind their motivation to borrow (not) from others.
LAFRANCE HORNING D., Nipissing University – School of Business, Canada
Consumer response to cause-related sport sponsorship: Does gender matter?
PELLICELLI A. C., BALOCCO F., Università degli Studi di Torino, Italy
Hong Kong: Chinese consumer’s culture and behavior – Made in Italy products perception and on site internship experience.
Room Selfridges
Academic research sessions – Paper presentations “Luxury industries: to brand or not to brand?” including 10:30-:11:00: Coffee break in Room Burlington Arcade
Chair: Pr. Professor Klaus-Peter WIEDMANN , Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany
AISSAOUI A., FRIKHA A., E.S.C Tunis, Tunisia
The experience of happiness through the consumption of the product of Art and Culture.
ALBANO F., SANTAMATO V., University of Bari, Italy
La sperimentazione del marketing partecipato nel caso di Matera, Capitale Europea della Cultura 2019
BALASQUE J-M., Galatasaray University, Turkey
Le marketing complexe du street artiste.
CODIGNOLA F., Università degli Studi di Milano – Bicocca, Italy
Market Implications of Art Collectors’ Consumer Behavior: the case of François Pinault.
DELANNOY A., Ecole de Management de Normandie – Laboratoire Métis, France
The impact of the social identity construction on attitude toward luxury brand : the case of the teenage girl consumer.
LAURENCE D., Université de Bourgogne, France, PERRON F., Université de Lille, France
Possession et appropriation d’une oeuvre d’art : une approche exploratoire.
JIANG Z., NAGASAWA S., Waseda University, Japan
The Core value of luxury brand: rarity or authenticity?
PINO G., GUIDO G., TOMACELLI C., RIZZO C., University of Salento, Italy
The Effect of Greed and Externalized Luxury Consumption on Individuals’ Intention to Purchase Iconic Artworks.
VUKADIN A., BADOT O., ESCP Business School, France, LEMOINE J-F., Université Paris-I Panthéon Sorbonne, France
Artification and shopping behavior: A model proposition.
Room Harrods
Academic research sessions – Paper presentations “Strategic insights in luxury industries “including 10:30-:11:00: Coffee break in Room Burlington Arcade
Chair: Pr. Professor Roger BENNETT, London Metropolitan University, UK
BABOU I., Babou Conseil / IPAG Business School Paris, LEROUX E., Université Paris XIII Sorbonne Paris- Cité, France
Automobiles: the amazing adventure of democratized luxury.
CARRASCO R. A., FORERO-BRICEÑO L. N., GARCÍA-MADARIAGA J., BLASCO M. F., Universidad Complutense Madrid, Spain
Evaluation of the Quality of Service of the Telecommunications Sector in Spain from the Perspective of User.
EL EUCH MAALEJ M., INSEEC Business School, SALVADOR M., INSEEC Business School, FROCHOT I., IAE Savoie Mont Blanc – CITHEME, France
Localized products: products serving gastronomic luxury.
EL-NEMR N., CANEL-DEPITRE B., TAGHIPOUR A., Normandie Univ – UnivHavre – NIMEC, France
Determinants of hotel room rates.
GRASSI A., CASSIDY T., WIGLEY S., University of Huddersfield, United Kingdom
Luxury fashion brands ownership of private art foundations: A new way of conceiving marketing.
QURESHI K., University of Essex, POULIS K., University of Middlesex, United Kingdom
Social ties in b2b industrial networks and distribution standardization/adaptation strategy for luxury industry.
ZRELLI I., Institut Supérieur de Gestion de Tunis-Tunisie, Tunisia
Modulation tarifaire et insatisfaction des clients: quelle contribution du Yield Management?
12:30-13:00: Closing Ceremony – Best Paper Award
Room Fortnum and Mason
Pr. Jean-Claude ANDREANI, ESCP Business School Paris, France . Dr. Françoise CONCHON, INSEMMA MARKET RESEARCH, France / President INTERNATIONAL MARKETING TRENDS CONFERENCE. Pr. Jean-François LEMOINE, Université Paris I – Sorbonne, France. Pr. Alberto MATIACCI, Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy. Prof. Simon MERCADO – Director ESCP Business School London Campus, UK
13:00-13:30: Closing Cocktail
Room Burlington Arcade