Marketing tips from an Enterpreneur

Marketing tips from an Enterpreneur

Starting a business isn’t easy, and growing it is even harder. After plenty of time brainstorming to get an idea, you have to prototype and create a product or a service, and finally, the time of selling arrives and you are quite confused about how to sell your product. You start wondering if it’s going to be relevant to people, how to engage them, and how to tell your brand story without replicating others. This is where marketing comes in.

Sometimes, as an entrepreneur, you have to handle every role in your business, and marketing is often stepped aside. This only results in small growths and profits. A marketing strategy will help you get your business noticed. But where do you start? In this blog, we will give you five marketing tips for entrepreneurs that will help you get your business in the mouth of consumers.

  1. Identify Target Audience – Segment your customers: Who is willing to buy my product? Who are the people that you want to reach? What are their interests, needs, and behaviors? How do they live, think, and act? Understanding your Blog 3 target audience is the first marketing strategy that you must do, so all your efforts are going to be valorized by the right customer. 
  2. Use Social Media with Valuable Content: Social Media allows you to connect with customers cost-effectively. You have to consider which social media is relevant for you and publish relevant and valuable content for your customers. For example: Instagram is a visual platform with a photo and short video focus, it can be the brochure of your brand. TikTok is more oriented to storytelling videos. X is a platform for short and sometimes polemic messages. No matter the social media you choose It’s important to build a relationship with your target audience, and hopefully create a medium-term community. 
  3. Use Storytelling to engage with customers: Creating a bond, a desire or even a need with customers is easy with storytelling. It is a narrative based on facts, previous stories, or even a fiction story that drives people to a message and allows them to connect and identify with the situation. This is one of the best ways to engage customers in a long-term relationship. 
  4. Having an online presence is not everything in a marketing strategy. Depending on your product or service you also have to take into account a trade marketing approach. This means how you are going to showcase your products, what you want to transmit with them, and what tactics, promotions, or campaigns you are going to do. For example, if your product requires a display in a store, a pop-up store, a fair, or a shelf you must take care of which messages you want to tell, what offers you are going to have, and if all of this is readable to the customers. 
  5. Last but not least, Set Goals and KPIs: It is common for people to start executing their planning without setting a goal on what they want to achieve and their measurement tools. Setting goals and KPIs is essential for marketers, it allows you to know if your strategy is going in the right way or not, if you are communicating your brand to the right users, or if you are mistaken about the message, the user, the channel, etc. A useful tool is to do the SMART goals and find how you are going to measure those.