Are retail stores dinosaurs?

By Dr Minas Kastanakis, Associate Professor at ESCP Business School
This week, my colleagues and I hosted the Distinguished Chair of Business Administration, Professor of Marketing Charles Ingene of School of Business Administration, The University of Mississippi, USA. Chuck and I have a long standing relationship and, dare I say, friendship. We met for the first time at the Academy of Marketing Science 2010 Conference in Portland, Oregon and started to exchange views on some topics we both work on – albeit from different perspectives. He has helped me reviewing some of my papers and has always been giving top-notch advice; he is a thorough and generous mentor. Chuck has published extensively in all the top marketing journals (JM, JMR, JR, JAMS, MS, HBR) and has written some of the most influential – ever – papers in the area of Retailing. He has been the Editor of the Journal of Retailing and is currently at the editorial board of several top journals.
The working paper he presented with us – called “Are retail stores dinosaurs?” – deals with an important question: Will online stores extinguish physical retail outlets? Stay tuned for the final publication – but the short anwser is no.
Twelve marketing researchers from different UK universities attended the seminar at ESCP Business School’s London campus, while two faculty members followed the proceedings via video link from ESCP Business School ‘s Paris campus. Feedback from the audience showed it to be an original paper dealing with a very current topic. Future research directions were also proposed from the audience and we are glad to believe that Chuck has also benefited from our feedback. Thank you, Chuck, for this sharing your work and enthusiasm with us!
Useful links:
MSc in Marketing & Creativity
Creative London Summer Course