nitmkg2 : Bringing Institutional Theory to Marketing

nitmkg2 : Bringing Institutional Theory to Marketing2019-12-04T04:58:48+00:00

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Big Picture 2019

A fascinating event brought to students by the L’Oréal Professorship in Creativity Marketing

Hello! Our names are Lena Aridi (ESCP Europe), Francesco Mambelli (ESCP Europe), Margo Blanche Compen (IFM), Papolthee Rakphongphairoj (IFM), Olivia Varon Caralps (IFM), Divya Kedia (ESCP Europe), Anna Syren (ESCP Europe), Clémentine Toussaint (ESCP Europe), Amirkhon Murvatov (IFM), Deeksha Gupta (IFM) and Charlie Wang (IFM), and we would love to share this amazing experience with you!

Team 2

Francesco Mambelli (ESCP Europe), Lena Aridi (ESCP Europe), Margo Blanche Compen (IFM), Papolthee Rakphongphairoj (IFM)

Team 8

Divya Kedia (ESCP Europe), Clémentine Toussaint (ESCP Europe), Charlie Wang (IFM), Amirkhon Murvatov (IFM) and Deeksha Gupta (IFM)

In total, we were 46 students from the ESCP Europe MSc in Marketing and Creativity and from the IFM MSc in International Luxury Management competed in the 2019 Big Picture project in eight mixed groups. The Jury decided to designate our two teams as joint first-place winners.

We spent one week working together on a very challenging and real project for L’Oréal. How lucky we were to get such an opportunity to fully immerse in the beauty industry.

Learning by doing, we had a wonderful adventure – let us tell you more about it!

Dive with us into our five-day mission.

Each year, Big Picture is a powerful learning tool which brings together students from IFM and ESCP Europe.

Students from both Schools are projected into the heart of the creative process: they are asked to design and produce a video in a very short time. It is also a highly multicultural challenge. The workshop offers opportunities for exchanges between various different profiles, learning to work together on an innovative project and finalising it under the pressure of a tight deadline… such are the main learning challenges of the Big Picture project. At the end of the week, one of the videos was selected as the winner by a panel that includes leading professionals.

Marie Taillard,

L’Oreal Professor of Creativity Marketing, ESCP Europe

Rarely do students get to learn as much in one week

Big Picture is a very special opportunity for our MSc in Marketing & Creativity students to work alongside colleagues from the Institut Francais de la Mode on a creative business brief for L’Oréal. Our project this year was both inspiring and challenging as teams had to imagine the experience of Gen Z shoppers with the YSL Beauty brand in 2025. Student teams from both schools worked hard to produce one-minute original videos and recommendations, which they presented to a prestigious jury of L’Oreal executives including the YSL senior management team. Rarely do students get to learn as much in one week as they do on this project — truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience that opens up new career horizons and pushes their creative and business skills to new heights.

Brad Fujimoto,

Programme Manager, MSc in International Fashion & Luxury Management, IFM

An invaluable experience for our students

Every year the Big Picture project prepares our students to face the realities of working in the creative industries, where image is everything and content must convey strategic meaning in an ever aesthetic manner. It is invaluable for the students to have to work under intense time constraints, with team members that they have just met, who bring to the table different problem-solving approaches. In addition, the strategic and technical coaching that they receive makes the project a truly 360° learning experience. We are very pleased to partner with ESCP Europe on this exciting project, and also in regards to the new IFM – ESCP Europe double degree.

Take a look and enjoy!

Lucky you, you can enjoy two films as the Jury didn’t break the tie between two of the teams.

Black Canvas

Directed and produced by team 2

What we learnt from this experience?


Directed and produced by team 8

What we learnt from this experience?

What a prestigious Jury!

Guive Balooch, Global Vice President of L’Oreal Technology Incubator (L’Oréal), Alex Bennett (L’Oréal), Diane Hecquet, Digital Transformation Manager, Yves Saint Laurent Beauty (L’Oréal), Cristina Monnoyeur, Operations Digital Transformation Director (L’Oréal), Kamran Razmdoost, Professor (ESCP Europe), Emma Shuttleworth, Talent Acquisition Director (L’Oréal), Ramona Tudosecu, Head of Digital & Innovation (Les Galeries Lafayettes), Irène Garcia Turcan, International Digital Director, Yves Saint Laurent Beauty (L’Oréal).

Check out the feedback from some Jury’s members:

How can Big Picture help moving your L’Oréal issues forward?

Irène Garcia Turcan, International Digital Director, Yves Saint Laurent Beauty at L’Oréal

What did you expect from this experience?

Diane Hecquet, Digital Transformation Manager, Yves Saint Laurent Beauty at L’Oréal

How can Big Picture help the recruitment process of our students?

Emma Shuttleworth, Talent Acquisition Director, L’Oréal France

What do you think about the student’s works?

Ramona Tudosescu, Head of Digital & Innovation, Galeries Lafayette Champs Elysées and MMK Creativity Marketing Alumna

Laurent François, Creative Strategist & founder at RE-UP agency, was co-coaching us. It was also a great experience for him.

Laurent François, Creative Strategist & founder at RE-UP agency, was co-coaching us, it was also a great experience for him.

Here are some of the learnings he got from coaching these 50 talents, along with Pr. Marie Taillard and Brad Fujimoto.

  • Some of the answers are in the brief
  • Talk to people: find them, interview them
  • The “concept”: a tough notion
  • Team feedbacks are a weapon
  • It’s all about a concept… matched with a brand

Read more

©GeorgesVignal ©FrançoisDaburon

Congratulations to all the other students involved in the Big Picture Journey!

Caren Abdul Hak, Lena Aridi, Benedetta Budini Gattai, Alexia Danton, Margaux Duvallet, Aryana Eshtehardi, Felicia Ivarsson, Maya Jannoun, Divya Kedia, Sau Wei Law, Anne Constance Lemire, Francesco Mambelli, Julia Markowitz, Nicole Morasco, Mafalda Patricio, Anastasiia Prokhorenko, Danielle Marie Rosengrant, Amelie Schoumacher, Anna Syren, Clementine Toussaint, Marie-Cecile Vernet and Kristina Vygovskaya (ESCP Europe)

Lisa Marie Bauwens, Rawlins Bray, Marine Chapdelaine, Margo Blanche Compen, Samarpita Dasgupta, Victoria Devia, Bikem Evgin, Deeksha Gupta, Megan Gwatney, Cécile Larher, Qinshu Liu, Amirkhon Murvatov, Tamar Nanobashvili, Mariona Palacio Espasa, Etienne Philibert, Anastasiia Povorozniuk, Papolthee Rakphongphairoj, Ruth Sequeira, Zijun Shi, Olivier Van Donselaar, Olivia Varon Caralps, Vera Wagner, Chin Jung Wang and Charlie Wang (IFM)

You can have a look at their amazing videos here.

Placed under the aegis of the ESCP Europe Foundation, this professorship with L’Oréal strengthens in a complementary way a major school’s scientific expertise and a leading company’s know-how, on a crucial business issue and on topical subjects such as big data and the use of behavioural sciences in innovation and marketing creativity.


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